Monday, August 26, 2013

Love Lavished

I was reading in 1 John the other day and was apprehended by a verse that I have continued to think about  over and over again. And every time I do, I find this beautiful refocusing... a re-centering of God in my life. I see the beauty in His extravagant love that was poured out for us and on us... and it just leads me to worship Him. I've done nothing to deserve His love. It isn't just His love that has me drawn in to this verse. It was the purpose of it.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


For the past three years, my family and I have vacationed on the beach in St. Augustine, Florida. While there, I have had the most profound conversations with my children. From playing the game of "Ask me anything you want" to family history and eventually turning to spiritual truths.

This year was the same and the result was exciting for me as a father and spiritual guide. The following is a conversation with one of my 11 year olds.