Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Carrier of a Cross

A lot of us carry crosses. They hang around our necks, dangle from bracelets or our ears. Some of us even have them tattooed on our bodies in various forms. We wear them for fashion, to remember something, or be inspired by it. But I'd venture to say that most of us don't carry a cross in the way Jesus carried his.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Jesus Is _______.

Does what others think about you matter? I don't mean to you of course. I am asking if it has an impact on the person who is thinking about you. Does what they think about you bear any weight on their relationship with you? How they behave around you with others? How they act toward you when you are alone? What they trust you with in their presence and in the absence of their presence? I would say the answer is ABSOLUTELY YES.